Are you an NDIS participant eager to gain employment? Then look no further, as we break down the support, funding and services available to assist NDIS participants into employment.
How can the NDIS Help you Find a Job?
Finding and Keeping a job is a goal for many people. It offers new skills, expands on social networks, offers financial independence and a better standard of living.
For NDIS participants over the age of 15, the Capacity Building Support, ‘Finding and Keeping a Job’, may be an option.
‘Finding and Keeping a Job’ is plan-specific funding that helps NDIS participants enter the workforce and build their independence.
Types of support offered under the ‘Finding and Keeping a Job’ support category include assisting participants to*:
- explore what work would mean for them (discovery);
- build essential foundation skills for work;
- manage complex barriers to obtaining and sustaining employment;
- specialised job customisation;
- transition from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) to open employment;
- develop a career plan; and
- access other capacity building support that is likely to lead to successful engagement in a Disability Employment Service (DES).
* -This list was sourced from the NDIS Price Guide 2020-2021
How do I Access ‘Finding and Keeping a Job’?
If you’re new to the NDIS and require assistance accessing Capacity Building Support, we recommend talking directly to the NDIS. You can call them via 1800 800 110, email them at or use their webchat function at
However, if you already access NDIS and you feel confident enough to get the ball rolling, then here are some simple steps to follow:
- Goal Planning
Accessing support and funding for employment assistance is similar to how you claim other kinds of NDIS supports.
As I’m sure you’re aware, it all starts with a goal. We recommend sitting down with a family member or carer and discussing what you hope to achieve, develop or learn.
Once you have figured this out, you will then need to categorise your goals into short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are the building blocks that will help you achieve your long-term goals, like finding employment or changing careers. An example of a short-term goal could be developing better communication skills or building a professional resume.
- Adding your Goals to Your Plan
The hard part is over. The next step in gaining employment support is presenting your goals to your NDIS representative at your next scheduled NDIS meeting. Your representative will then evaluate your goals and assist you in getting your plan reviewed and updated.
- Find an NDIS Provider
Once your NDIS plan is approved and updated, you can start looking for an approved NDIS provider. The NDIS recommends you talk to your Local Area Coordinator or Support Coordinator to assist you in finding the correct provider. As an NDIS participant, you can either let them know who you would like to go with or let them find the closest one to you. The choice is all yours!
Why you Should Choose Sarina Russo
Sarina Russo Job Access has been supporting people into sustainable employment for over 40 years. Our experience and positive job outcomes are what differentiates us from other approved NDIS providers.
As an NDIS participant, you will have access to our team of employment consultants, social workers, psychologists and exercise physiologists. Our team is here to assist you in achieving your employment goals and securing long-lasting employment.