Empowering over 45s | Sarina Russo

Empowering over 45s

By Sarina Russo Editorial Team
Participants holding their certificates
Empowering over 45s
CTA Participants at ETC Strathpine

Individuals over the age of 45 often find themselves navigating a unique set of challenges when it comes to career transitions. Recognising the need for tailored support, Workforce Australia has introduced a groundbreaking initiative—the Career Transition Assistance (CTA) Program. This program is specifically designed to equip individuals in this demographic with the skills, confidence, and work readiness necessary to thrive in today's dynamic employment landscape.

As longevity in the workforce becomes the norm and career trajectories take unexpected turns, initiatives like the CTA Program have never been more essential. For many over 45s, the prospect of reentering the job market or transitioning to a new career can be daunting. This program, however, is changing the narrative.

The CTA Program offered by the Sarina Russo Group (SRG) is a comprehensive package that addresses the multifaceted aspects of career transition. From skill-building to confidence-boosting, the program leaves no stone unturned. It acknowledges the unique talents and experiences that individuals in this age group bring to the table, while also providing them with the tools to excel in a job market characterized by technological advancements and changing industry demands.

The program encompasses various elements, each carefully designed to meet the needs of participants. Skill development workshops are tailored to enhance technical expertise while also focusing on soft skills that are increasingly valued by employers. The participants are guided through the process of updating their resumes, fine-tuning their interviewing techniques, and expanding their professional networks.

SRG has garnered a stream of positive feedback from individuals who have not only benefitted from the program's offerings but have also thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Participants have praised the supportive environment, the relevance of the workshops, and the sense of camaraderie they felt throughout the process. The feedback emerging from the program underscores its effectiveness and the impact it has on the lives of its participants. It reaffirms that age is not a barrier to reinvention and growth.

Through the CTA program, Workforce Australia in collaboration with SRG are redefining what it means to embark on a new professional journey later in life.

Sarina Russo Group acknowledges the First Nations Peoples of this Country, the traditional custodians connected to the land, water and community on which we live, work and help others to live their best lives. We also pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging, who strive to build a better and more sustainable future for future generations to come.